2012년 4월 29일 일요일

[Happy Hour] Postscript in Korea (28/4/12)

Hello everyone!!

We finished "Happy Hour Korea" very successful.
At the first, I worried about the events, because there was a couple of hackathon events at same time and  very clear weather for picnic. So we thought there were not enough developers for enjoy hackathon.
Therefore we decided to unite the place of 2 hackathons. This plan worked very well and we could play the events.

And I introduce 7 great Programmers of Dartlang Korea.

just 7, but we made 4 projects!!

If there are more hackers, a hackathon is more enjoyable, I think.
So we felt more funny and agreed it's good chance for talking about Dart language.

And then we made four great project in this Happy Hour.
  • Web & Chatting Server and Prototype of Shell
    • Simple Web Server and Chatting Server with IO APIs.
    • Command Shell Prototype.
    • We found and hoped that the Dart will stand in for Node.js.
  • Simple Piano
    • Emulate a piano with keyboard events.
    • In the near future, I hope we can control a real piano. :) 
  • Dart Complete
    • When we input codes in textarea, this program suggests apis(auto complete).
    • We'll suggest this idea for adding to Dartboard in Dartlang.org.
  • fxPresenti.dart
    • Web presentation tool written by Dart and HTML/CSS.
    • It's just v0.01. But I try to improve functions and replace all presentations in Dartlang.org.
    • So I hope "Fork me!!"
Although we were few programmers, but we made 4 projects!!(Fantastic 4!)
And we talked about the cause that the Dart is a very simple and clear language.

Just.. documents are not enough(not good for searching/so we made a "Dart complete")
And the Editor is not worked on windows XP(check plz..^_^) and little slow(build codes every saving time).
But it's on Technical Preview. So we thought it's very amazing!!!

We didn't have a enough time for talking, so we took a rain check.
And then we made a promise having parties much more.
So, look forward activity of Dartlang Korea. please!!

Forever Dart!!!

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